Generally, I don’t need any music to dance.
For me, dance is not because of the music.
It is simply because I’ve found the rhythm of life.



Hello friends,

 I wanna talk about “Rhythms of life”, and by this, I mean how one’s life operates from Spiritual to the physical plane.


There are certain patterns of life that apply in the same way on everyone on the entire planet since the beginning of time, and these patterns will be the same for everyone until the end of time.


These patterns are the same and exact for everyone, but everyone gets different results.




 In the understanding of these patterns lies “the Rhythms of Life”.


How does life operate…?


Well, to understand this, first, you have to understand- what is it that creates everything in your life…?


The majority of people think that circumstances create conditions, and those conditions shape our reality.  


Now, think about this-

there was a man who was in a situation where he was miserable, he wanted to get out of it. So, he worked very hard on the physical plane, so that he can acquire whatever means he needed to get out of this situation.


While he was working or doing other important things he was focusing on his current life, about how screwed up it is, and by doing so, he always felt sad. After working very hard for years, he was still in the same screwed up life.


Around the same time, there was another person, who was screwed up in his life most of the time. He somehow one day, begins to start learning about self-improvement, which led him to a situation where he actually started to like his life.


The more he liked himself and his life the more he felt happy, and the more things started to flow into his life which brings more happiness in his life, and he became a completely different human being.


What was the difference between those two?


Just one thing- their feelings.


 One was feeling sad, so he got more things to make him sad, and the other was feeling happy so he got more things that made him happy.


This shows that life always intends to give us more of what we feel.


So, you need to be careful about how u feel about certain things. You need to understand that your feelings are the product of the experiences you have in your past, and your feelings drive your thoughts most of the time. So, you automatically begin to think thoughts equal to your feelings, which makes you feel more of the same emotions and think the same thoughts over and over again; and as life always intend to give us more of what we feel, the feeling you have in your body will shape your reality.


 It means that your feeling is going to decide what you are going to get in your life.





Now, think about this – How many times you had a really good idea in your mind to achieve something which gave u a positive feeling.


But then you started to think about how hard it is, and how you are not strong enough to do it.


What did it do…?


It took away that positive feeling and all that was left was the negative feelings, a fear that you are not worthy, and as you felt that way; life served you the same in your experience.


It is so true what Jim Carrey said, “You will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart


When you want something which is going to make you happy, and you begin to contemplate about it, then let fear enter inside your feelings, it would spread like a virus, and then eventually, everything you are afraid of will be drawn to you, and it will become your reality.


However, when you truly desire something, you think about having it, and do not let fear enter inside your feelings, you decided that you are going to do it or get it, no matter what it takes, it would make you feel good about you and your life, and you will attract more good in your life, and everything you truly desire will eventually become your reality.


Now, the real question is –


How do we eliminate fear..?


Well, fear can only be removed by action. When you have a picture in your mind of the things you want and you feel happy about the thought of having those things, life will give you as you feel.


Now, on the physical plane when you start taking actions in order to get what you want, by those actions you will actually be removing your doubts and fears.


If you keep working and keep moving towards your goal, fear will eventually be gone, and before you even realize it, you will find yourself where you wanted to be, living the life you truly desired.


You can have anything you desire, there are no limits.


When you mix your thoughts with the feeling of fear, you are actually destroying everything that you can build before it even comes to its initial state of creation.


 But, when you mix your thoughts with the feeling of love – love for the idea of you being a ‘blessed soul’- that feeling of love can give you things beyond imagination.


What I have come to realize, that we cannot love anything truly until, first, we learn to love ourselves, our ‘true self’.


If life’s only intention for you is to give you more of what you feel, you must be careful and in control of your feelings.


If you feel miserable, you will get more misery, if you feel angry, you will get more things to make you angry.


If you feel happy, you will get more happiness, if you feel loved, you will get more things which will make you to be in love with your life.


So, the Rhythms of life say- “whatever feelings you put out into the universe, the Universe will send back the experiences in your life to make you feel those feelings on a greater level.”


So be careful of what you feel, and make a promise to yourself that you are going to put some beautiful and incredible feelings into the universe.


Thank You Very much for your time…



– Er. Parvez Alam

(author of “The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life“)



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