Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
 Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.

– Mahatma Gandhi

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All the great leaders of history had different-different philosophy, perceptions, and beliefs;

 Although they had different opinions and they disagreed with one another on many things, there is only one thing they were all in complete agreement with,


And that is – “We become what we think about


In his great book “The Science of Getting Rich” author ‘Wallace D. Wattles’ wrote-

THOUGHT is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the Formless Substance. The stuff from which all things are made is a substance which thinks, and a thought of form in this substance produces the form.


In order to understand the depth of this statement we need to understand the nature of reality, how material things come into being.


The Formless Substance


Science and theology both agree with the fact that there is an invisible power in the universe which permeates, animates and motivates the entire cosmos.


The author “Wallace D. Wattles” wrote about this power that-

 “There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.


This great power is the original source of supply from which all material things came into being.


It is an intelligent power and intelligence can only exist with consciousness, which means it is consciously aware of all things and beings at all times.


In other words, it is the ultimate observer of all realities and we are its different points of attention.


 It is the universal consciousness and we are the individual expression of that consciousness.


 It is the creator of all realities and we are the co-creators of our personal realities.


This universal power is within us, all around us, and it is always working to and through us. It is 100% evenly present in all places at all times.


If we look for the scientific understanding of this power, it is called the quantum field or the matrix; it is an invisible realm where all possibilities exist simultaneously as a wave of probability.

 When we pay our attention to a potential reality, that wave of probability (energy) collapses into an event (particle) in the physical reality.


The Nobel Prize winner and the father of quantum physics “Max Planck” said about this power that –

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.


And author “Wallace D. Wattles” further wrote in his book that –

Every thought of form, held in thinking Substance, causes the creation of the form, but always, or at least generally, along lines of growth and action already established.


Now, understand that this power is suggestible to thoughts, and we have the ability to originate thoughts,


 And, as being a part of this power- the thoughts we think are impressed upon the power, and the thoughts we impress upon this power takes the material form according to the already established laws of creation.


Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions


Every action we take is a direct outcome of our thought; we have to have a thought before we could initiate an action.


For example- you wake up in the morning and you get a thought in your mind that you have to go to the office in few hours which initiate all the actions from getting up, brushing your teeth, taking shower, having breakfast, all the way to driving for the office.


But when it’s a holiday you don’t get that thought in your mind and your actions would be quite different than the working days because they are the outcome of different thoughts.


Understand that we think 60-70 thousand thoughts every day, and  95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before.


So, if you think the same thoughts every day, you are going to make the same choices every day, which is going to make you feel the same way, which is going to cause you to act and behave in the same way, and which is ultimately produce the same experiences every day, and your life is going to remain the same.


It happens because 95% of the day we operate with our subconscious mind, only 5% of the day we operate with our conscious mind.


 In the subconscious mind, there are programs recorded which cause our body to feel and act according to our habitual behaviors.


If the programs in our subconscious mind are controlling our thoughts feeling and actions, then most of the time our subconscious programs are controlling the results and experiences of our life.


Understand this- the universal power is flowing to and through your consciousness all the time, it’s always within you.

In its original state, it is a formless power with infinite potential.


When you think a thought, you chose a form for this power to take in your physical reality, then this thought passes through the emotional side of your personality, and according to the emotion you choose to mix your thoughts with, causes your body to move into actions and your actions cause your results and experiences.


Here is a picture that I learned from Bob Proctor, which describe how the great power flows to and through us,



Now, if you decide to think new thoughts of the things you truly want, and you feel already happy and grateful about the things you are going to receive, then those feelings will cause your actions and behaviors to change which will ultimately change the results and experience of your life.


Remember this- Whatever thoughts (images) you will choose to impress upon the formless power, it will begin to take that form immediately according to the already established laws of creation.


As Andrew Carnegie said-

Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.



Why do we Stuck then?


Most people when they wake up in the morning first thing they do is that they think about the problems in their life, those problems activate certain brain cells that hold the memories or images of past experience related to those problems, those brain cells then send signals to the body which then activates the hormonal center in the body in order for them to feel the emotion related to those problems, and now they feel connected to their known life.


 It happens so fast that they don’t even know they are doing this to themselves.


After that they check their phone, they go through their social media and check what everybody is doing there, they post something, then they get up and go through same routine behaviors, they make the same choices as every day, they go to work the same way, meet the same people who push the same emotional buttons.


 In short, they do all the things which are familiar to them, the things they can predict the outcome of because they are programmed to do this.


If you live every day doing the same things, and being the same person, playing the same programs, then how are you supposed to change and create something new in your life?


Now, let say you decided to change and grow, you start reading a self-help book, you read it and intellectually understand it, and now you have the information on how to change your life.


 Does that mean your life is going to change?




 You see, the knowledge you get from the book is in your conscious mind, while your body is working by the subconscious programs.


So, how does this information can change your life?


The answer is you have to turn the information in the book into a program in your subconscious mind.


You have to apply it in your life every day until it becomes natural to you.


When you install the information you learned in the book in your subconscious mind and you have a clear goal to achieve with it, then 95% of the day you would automatically be moving towards your goal.


The Process of Change


The first step in order to truly change is to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


Pay attention to your thoughts when you feel angry, sad, unworthiness or any other negative emotion, pay attention to how you react to people and conditions in your life.


 You have to become so conscious of your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and actions that they would never go unnoticed by you again.


You must be able to recognize the thoughts feelings and actions that come out of the old programs, and when you notice the old program is playing make a conscious choice that you are not going to react emotionally to this old program.


The second step is to use your creative faculties of the mind and decide what do you really want, what kind of life you want to live, what kind of person you truly want to be, and how would it feel to be that person.


Create a clear vision of the future you want to live in.


 Take some time from your day , let your body relaxed, stop any thought that is connected to your old self from entering into your mind, and visualize yourself already living the life you truly want and to be surrounded by all the things you truly desire,


And , feel how it would feel when these things would come into your physical experiences, and give thanks for those things as you have already received them.


When you would do so over and over again, the subconscious mind would begin to take it as you already have received it, and you are already living that life, because the subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real event and an event you are creating in your mind by thoughts alone.


Once that begins to happen your subconscious mind would start to make this new version of you as a subconscious program, and you would begin to feel and act differently, and that new feeling would be the evidence that you are changing.


The third step is to get ready to feel uncomfortable for a time because when you start impressing a new idea or vision of the future upon your subconscious mind, your entire body goes into a chaotic vibration and it makes you feel uncomfortable and scared.


It happens because you can’t predict your future anymore, and you start hearing voices in your head like- start tomorrow, it’s too hard, you are never going to change, it’s your relatives fault that you are this way, it doesn’t feel right.


If you react to those voices as if it’s true, you return back to the old self, and your life is going to stay the same.


However, if you decide to go through that and move forward with faith, you understand that being uncomfortable and uncertain is part of the change, and create your desired experience in your mind over and over again,

 Sooner or later

 The old conditioning (programs) of your body will fade away and this new vision of the future will become your new identity.


The final step is to be ready to receive in your outer reality what you have created in the inner reality of your mind.


Being ready to receive means expect with absolute faith that what you have created in your mind will find you in your outer reality.


Understand this, you don’t have to know how it’s gonna happen because it will come in a way that you cannot expect, it would come as a surprise, and it would leave no doubt in your mind that what you did inside of you has produced tangible changes outside of you, in your life.


When it happens, it will inspire you to create new and greater experiences, and that’s called evolution.


Always remember, everything begins with a thought.



Thank you very much for your time 


Parvez Alam

(author of “The law of Life- basic Principles for a Better Life“)










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