Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger,
even though sometimes it is hard to realize this.
For the world was built to develop character,
and we must learn
that the setbacks and grieves which we endure
help us in our marching onward.
-Henry Ford



The great mystery, that drove millions of people to leave their known world behind, in order to figure it out.


People have searched for the answers about how it came to be, who is in control of it, what is its purpose, why it is so mysterious that even after knowing it we feel like we don’t know it at all.


I begin my journey to understand it when my life came to a place where I was dead inside, and I had nowhere to go.


 I was at a dead-end but then it forged a new path for me to explore, and I was filled with awe of life.


Many years ago I read somewhere that “Life always finds a way to grow” and I believe, it’s rich with truth.


In this article, I would like to share some of the things that I found really interesting and simple about Human Life yet almost unknown by most of the people.



What is life?


To an average person life is about being born, go to school, work to get money, food, and other necessities of survival, getting married, procreate, retire, and then die.


Most people never really think any deeper than this about life, they think like they were born for no reason at all, like the survival is the only purpose of life, like their intellect was given to them for worrying, gossiping, and entertainment.


They think like their life is a waste of space and time to achieve nothing at all.


I know it because I used to be one of those people. You know the saddest thing about it, is that they don’t even know that they are wasting God’s most precious gift.


When I woke up from the illusion and started searching for the answers of my life, about who I really am, what is the purpose of my life, what is the true nature of reality, where do we come from and what happens when we die?, I attracted some incredible sources of information to answer my questions, but what was even more incredible is that the greatest source of all the information that I needed was/is/& will always be within me.


 It’s within everybody and everything, 100% evenly present in all places at all times.


When I was reading the “Let Go and Let God” chapter of “You Were Born Rich” book for the first time, I realized that there is a power within me that can solve all my problems, answers all my questions, and give me everything I want.


 But not just that, I learned that I am an expression of this power and so does everything and everyone, which means a part of me is in everything, which means that I am connected to everything in the universe.


Now, when I understand that I realized that there is only ONE LIFE expressing itself into many forms and one of those forms is Me.


Understand this- the ONE LIFE I am talking about is a Universal Intelligence, it is what causes a seed to grow and become a tree, it is what causes the clouds to form and bring rain, it is what keeps the cosmos to move into order, it is what causes our hearts to beat, it is what causes our food to digest, and it is what causes us to think and create new ideas.


 It is the essence of all life.



Nature of Reality


The universal intelligence expresses itself according to the Law from higher to lower form of existence.


The highest form of existence is spirit or energy and the lowest form is matter.


According to science, reality can be defined by two fundamental models of physics, one is the Newtonian Physics which describes matter, and the other is Quantum Physics which describes the energy.


The Newtonian model of reality is about the predictable existence of reality while the quantum model is about the unpredictable model of reality.


Working things out from matter to matter is the Newtonian model of reality, for example- healing through surgery.


Working things out from energy to matter comes under the quantum model of reality, for example- energy healing.


To simply understand this you should know the basics of the nature of reality.


 According to the old beliefs of the nature of reality, the universe was considered to be made up of matter, the space between two material objects was considered empty, everything was separate from everything else, and the atoms were considered like little solar systems where electrons were orbiting around nucleolus.


The mind was considered to have little or no effect on how reality is going to unfold which suggested that we have very little control over our personal reality through our actions, let alone the thoughts.


However, according to the new science and the new beliefs of the nature of reality, the universe is made up of an unseen field of energy; the space between two material objects is not empty space rather it is filled by this field of energy which connects everything in the universe with everything else, and the atoms are not things rather they are mostly empty space filled with energy, atoms are patterns of quantum energy which exist as a wave of probability or possibility.


The mind when observes this quantum energy, the wave of possibility (no- thing) collapses into a particle (a-thing). 


It means that the mind and consciousness play a very important role in the unfoldment of reality which suggests that we have control over our personal reality through our ability of observation.



The Quantum Field of Infinite Possibility


According to the new science, our universe is filled with a field of energy that connects all matter, this field is known as the Quantum field, or in mainstream science, it is called “the Higgs field”.


The Quantum field is a field of energy in which all possibilities exist simultaneously.


Think of this field as a blueprint of all reality and understand this– everything you desire, every dream you have, every goal you want to achieve, your perfect relationship, and an infinite number of other possibilities, all exist in this field simultaneously as potential or possibility.


When you start thinking about any future reality that you want to experience in your life, you are connecting your consciousness to that potential in the field.


To understand this better, think about the car that you want to have and imagine yourself driving that car, you are only able to do it because this realities already exist in the quantum field as a potential for you.


 When you see yourself in your mind living the life you want to live your consciousness or awareness is connected to that potential reality.


Now, when you become aware of a potential reality in the field and make a committed decision that you are going to experience this reality in your life, you trigger the process of the manifestation of that reality.


If you follow certain principles, that reality has to manifest in your life because that’s the law.



Creative Process


The creative process begins with a Desire and it ends with the fulfillment of that Desire.


The first step in the creative process is to decide what you want and make a commitment to yourself that you are going to get it.


 You don’t have to know how you are going to do it, you just have to know that it’s your destination or goal.


Now, when you make a committed decision about it then your consciousness is connected to that potential in the quantum field, and your conscious mind working with your consciousness creates an image of you with the accomplishment of your goal.


The second step is to get emotionally involved with this goal image.


 Getting emotionally involved means you have to feel the emotion of how it would feel when you would achieve your goal. You have to bring that feeling into your body before it is made manifest in your physical reality.

To bring this feeling into your body you have to understand the power of visualization and then practice it.


 When you sit in a relaxed state, close your eyes, and begin seeing yourself in your mind living in a reality where your dreams are fulfilled and you have achieved your goal, you are impressing this mental image upon your subconscious mind.


The subconscious mind is your emotional mind and the builder & controller of your body.


Now, the subconscious mind is the part of your personality through which universal intelligence expresses itself in your life.


 The most important point to understand about the subconscious mind is that it doesn’t know the difference between a real event that’s happening in your life or an inner event which you are creating in your mind by thought alone, to the subconscious mind both events are as real.


When you impress your desire or you goal image upon your subconscious mind over and over again, it begins to generate the feeling of that reality before it’s made manifest, and your body as an instrument of the subconscious mind would begin to feel the feelings of your future as it is your present reality.


When you have a clear image of what you want in your mind you are connected to your future in the quantum field.

 When you have the feeling of that future in your body you start attracting it into your life.


When you are mentally and emotionally connected to your future, you would start to feel the instincts or hunches to take inspired actions.


Now, when your thoughts, feelings, and actions are in alignment with your purpose, your dreams have to manifest in your life because it is the Law.


The Paradigm


You might be thinking if this is the law then why so many people who are fully engaged in trying to improve the quality of their life fail to experience any improvement?


The reason for that is that when they set a goal for themselves and start thinking about its accomplishment, they start to hear voices in their head which start giving them the reasons why they can’t achieve their goal, and according to their present circumstances most of those reasons would be valid reasons.


When this happens the body’s survival mechanism kicks in and it goes into survival mode, and when the body is in survival mode no new information goes into its creative mechanism because it is preoccupied with the survival.


Now, in this condition, a person cannot create anything new, because you can either live in survival mode or in the creative mode but not in both at the same time.


So, the people who fail to accomplish their goals even after working very hard, they fail because their thoughts are focused on all the reason why they can’t succeed while they are making efforts to succeed.


It’s like stepping on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time to make the car move; it’s never going to work.


Now, Understand that the voices you hear in your head whenever you try to do something new come from a program that is stored in your Subconscious mind, this program is called the Paradigm.


My Mentor ‘Bob Proctor’ defines the Paradigm as “The paradigm is a mental program in our subconscious mind that has almost exclusive controls over our habitual behavior, and almost all our behaviors are Habitual.


This mental programming or conditioning was built in our mind from the very beginning of our existence.


 It is genetic conditioning that is passed down in the genes from parents to the children and it’s also environmental that was built from the environment we grew up in.


Now, the paradigm controls the results we get in our life, for example, if a student’s mind is programmed that he can’t perform well in mathematics, then no matter how much he studies, he won’t perform well until that program in his mind is changed.


The same goes for every other area of our life, we have programs for everything, like how much we earn in a year, what is the quality of our relationships, the health of our body, the state of our happiness, etc.


All those mental programs combined together formed the paradigm of an individual, and that paradigm dictates the standard of his/her living.


If you want to improve the quality of your life, you must change your paradigm and built a better one.


Once your Paradigm is changed your life will transform itself according to your new paradigm, and before you even realize it, you will be living the life of your dreams.


As Joel Barker said –“To be able to shape your future, you have to be willing and able to change your Paradigm


Now, In order to change your paradigm, you must have a mentor, who can guide you step by step on how to change your paradigm, and for that purpose, there is no one better than Bob Proctor.

The Paradigm is stored in your subconscious mind, which automatically causes you to think, feel, and act in the same old ways. So to change your paradigm you have to learn to use your higher mental faculties. Once you are able to take conscious control of your higher mental faculties (Perception, will, imagination, reason, memory, and Intuition) you would be able to take control of your life, and you would be able to live the life of your dreams.


Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher, and Mary Morrissey the three great mind of our time created a phenomenal 6-week course called “The Magic in your Mind” in which they will be teaching how your higher mental faculties works, how to take conscious control of them, and how to use them to change your paradigm and ultimately your life.


If you have been trying to change your life but have failed every time, get this program, apply what you learn in it, and see the magic happening in your life. It won’t fail you.





Thank You very much for your time


With so much love and regards


Parvez Alam

(author of “The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life”)





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