The privilege of being a human being is
that we can make  a thought seem
more real than anything else.


– Dr. Joe Dispenza


Hello Friends,

In this article, I would like to share some thoughts on how our thoughts and feelings affect our life.


So, first of all, understand this- we live in a three-dimensional outer world, we have a home in it, we work in it, we have friends and families in it, and we experience our life in it.

We live a linear life in it, we have experienced the past, we are experiencing the present, and we have a future yet to be experienced. When we have to go from one place to another we move our body from one place to another and it takes time to reach there.


We also live in an inner world that exists within us, we have our beliefs in it; Our sense of self, our perception, our desires, our dreams, and our fears are part of our inner world.

 We feel the emotions in our inner world that comes out of the experiences we have in our outer world.

Life in the inner world is not a linear life, the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. When we want to move from one place to another or one time to another, we just have to think about that place or time and instantly we are there.


So the inner world is the place of our thoughts and feelings, and the outer world is the place of our actions and experiences.


Now, the law is that where we live in our inner world most of the time creates the events we experience in our outer world.


In this article, we are going to learn how it happens.


Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings


You must have heard the phrase that “Thoughts create reality”, and it’s true; however there is a process through which our thoughts can create our desired reality.


 So, if you are not using this process which is known as Conscious Creation you are running on an unconscious program that keeps you stuck into the same life and you feel like you can’t change your life.


Now, to understand this process you have to understand what is a thought and a feeling?


So, let’s talk about the thoughts first, but in order to understand thoughts, you must understand the source of the origination of thoughts.


The thoughts are originated from consciousness, and consciousness is the state of being aware.


In simple words- You are a consciousness, and you create your thoughts.


Our universe is not made up of things and matter, rather it is made up of a field of energy and information, this field is an unseen field of energy that connects everything in the universe, with the modern scientific instrument this field now can be measured.


 This field has an awareness of its existence which we call the Universal consciousness.

It is also expressing itself as a material universe which we can see, the planets, the stars, galaxies clouds, earth, plants, trees, animals are all many forms of expression of this field of energy and awareness.


Now, You must have heard that “God created man in His Image”, what that means here is that when this universal consciousness decided to express itself as a human being, it gave us its likeness, and when we come here to express and experience this life we became self-aware, aware of our existence as an individual in an environment and in a particular time.


So, you are a consciousness or awareness moving into a field of energy and information, and whatever you are paying your attention to is where your awareness is going and where your awareness goes your energy flows and you draw information about it from the field and create thoughts and ideas on the basis of what you learn.


Bob Proctor always says that “All the knowledge that ever was or ever will be is evenly present in all places at the same time

So, all the information is in the field, and the field is evenly present in all places at the same time, as our awareness moves through the field we gather information, with that information we build thoughts, images, concepts, ideas, and dreams.


To build these concepts or ideas we have been given a mind, the thoughts and ideas we build in our mind cause neurons in our brain to fire and wire into certain patterns to reflect the level of mind.


Now, the thoughts that we habitually think, cause certain pattern of neurons to become hard-wired in the brain, and these are the thoughts that we think easily and unconsciously.


These thoughts also have an associated emotion with them, so when we think these thoughts we fire and wire those neurons, then the other part of the brain called the Limbic brain or emotional brain releases a chemical called neuropeptides, which signals the body to feel equals to the thoughts we are thinking.


For example- Let’s say you have a colleague you work with, and you had some past experience where he betrayed you or hurt your feelings, which caused you to think about him, and feel about him in a certain way. So whenever you see him you automatically begin to feel angry or agitated.


What’s actually happening is that the neurons that hold the memory of you with your colleague automatically fires which signals the body to feel that way, and without even realizing it, you start getting angry or agitated.

So, if we try to put it in simple terms, we can say that an emotion is a state of mind, and feelings are the sensations in the body caused by that state of mind.


Another way to remember this is that we can think of emotion like a seed, and feelings like the tree that comes out of that seed.


How thoughts, Feelings, and Actions are related


In the process of conscious creation, our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings influence our actions.

However, for a common person, thoughts, feelings, and actions runs in a loop unconsciously most of the time.


Sometimes you think about doing something, you feel doing it, and then you do it. sometimes you start to have a feeling, which causes you to think as you feel, and then you act accordingly. Sometimes you feel something, and then you act on it, then you think about what you are doing. Sometimes you do something, and then you feel bad about it, and then you think what the hell am I doing.

And, sometimes you think about doing something, then you do it, which causes you to feel in a certain way.


So, if we see it through this, our thoughts, feelings, and actions influence each other all the time but there is no exact way to tell which comes first and which comes last.


 But, most commonly, most of our actions are based on the way we are feeling.


For example- let’s say you were somewhere outside, you a saw a person who catches all of your attention, you really wanted to go and talk to him/her but you weren’t feeling confident, in that case, 95% of the time you won’t go and talk to him/her.

So, in thoughts, you wanted to go and talk, but your feelings were not the same as your thoughts, so your actions were equals to your feelings.


For another example- let’s say a person wanted to quit his job and start his own business, he had all the information he needed and a good plan, but when it comes to taking the actions and working on the idea he had a feeling of fear of failure. 95% of the people in this condition will listen to their feeling and give up the idea.


So, in order to succeed in getting what you want, the most important thing is to act on your ideas even when you don’t feel like doing it.


Now, when your actions become equals to your thoughts, the positive feelings that you need to work with enthusiasm will be developed eventually.


But, remember that it takes a great amount of courage to act on your ideas when you don’t feel like doing it.


It’s because we have programs installed in our subconscious mind which drives our behaviors 95%  of the time, and when we start to do something new, those programs cause us to feel so uncomfortable that we would just want to feel relax and comfortable again, and when we give up our idea and return back to the old ways of doing things, all of a sudden we feel better and comfortable. This is why 95% of the time most people don’t do what they really want to do.


The Process of Conscious creation


In order to consciously create your life, the first step is to decide exactly what you want to create, build an image in your mind of the goal that you want to achieve.


Now, understand that this image is a new frequency of information in the field of energy that you are paying attention to and becoming aware of.

As I said earlier where your attention goes your thoughts and ideas start to build around that information.


When you have the image in your mind, you would start thinking about how you can achieve it, but remember, this image is in your conscious mind, and your subconscious is operating with old images.


 So, when you get emotionally involved with your goal, the Paradigm or the conditioning of your subconscious mind would start to influence your thoughts and it would cause you to think of all the reasons why you can’t achieve your goal.


You would start to hear voices in your head like- it’s too hard, there is no way you can achieve it, you don’t have the resources, start tomorrow, you have so much work to do, you are gonna lose, etc.


All of these voices has only one purpose, to make you give up your goal, and it happens because of the survival mechanism within you, because this new image is unknown and unfamiliar, and your brain is designed in a way that- “what it doesn’t know it perceives as dangerous”– and its primary job is to protect you, so it triggers the survival mechanism which causes you to return back to what’s familiar and known.


So, if you react to these voices as if they are true, you will return back to your comfort zone and you would give up your goal.


But, if you go to work on your goal with an understanding of how your mind, brain, and body works; when the uncomfortable feelings set in, and you start hearing voices in your head, you would know what is the cause of this uncomfortable feeling, and you would start observing your thoughts and feelings, and you would activate the part of the brain called the frontal lobe.


Now, when it happens, you are no longer running an unconscious program, rather you are consciousness observing that program.


 By the process of observing, you would be able to lower the volume of those voices in your head and would be able to put your attention on the image of your goal, in order to create it in your life.


The Inner work to create the outer reality


In order to consciously create your desired outer reality from the field, the first thing you have to do is to learn to intentionally slow down your brain waves.


To slow your brain waves down, you have to close your eyes and take your attention off of everything in your outer world and put it in your inner world, you have to stop thinking about the familiar past or the predictable future and bring your attention into the present moment.


There are many techniques to do that, but I personally like the way ‘Dr. Joe Dispenza’ teaches it in his guided meditations.

He asked to sense the space that different parts of our body occupy in space, and to sense the space around those parts in space. When you do that you automatically stop thinking and your brain waves move from beta to alpha frequencies.


If you would like to have a guided meditation for creating a new life for yourself, the best meditation for you would be “BREAKING THE HABIT OF BEING YOURSELF”.


Now, when you are in alpha brain waves pattern your awareness is moving into your subconscious mind, and that’s where your unconscious programs exist that keep you stuck in a life that you don’t like.


Then, the first thing is to observe those programs in your mind, by recognizing and reminding your habitual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

 When you become familiar with your behaviors, and emotions that you don’t want to experience anymore, then make a conscious choice that you won’t react to the same conditions in the same way anymore.


 Practice making a better choice and demonstrating better behaviors when those conditions arrive.

In this way, you would be overcoming your old self.


The final step is to create a new self.


What is the greatest expression of yourself that you want to be, how would you think if you were that person, how would you feel in a new life, what behaviors you would demonstrate in that new life.

How would you live, and how would you be spending your time.


 Think of your new life that you want to create in as much details as possible. Put all of your attention on the images that you are creating in your mind.


When you would put all your attention on the inner images your inner world would become more real to you than your outer world.


When this happens your subconscious mind would take it as it is really happening, because the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between an experience in your outer world and an inner experience that you are creating in your mind by thoughts alone, to the subconscious both events are as real.


When you would do this every day over and over again, in time,  this inner image or the inner experience would become fixed in your subconscious mind.


The ideas or images that are fixed in the subconscious mind must express themselves in your outer reality because that’s the law of the subconscious mind.


Now, Finally, when you are happy with the images or the experience you are creating in your mind, surrender this creation of yours to the universal consciousness of the field, and ask it to bring it into your life in a way that is just right for you, trust that your creation is coming to you, and give thanks as you have already received it, and then open your eyes.


Remember that your thoughts send your intention or desire into the field, and your feelings draw or attract the events to you.


So, in order to receive in your life what you are creating in your mind, you have to get up and live with the feeling as your prayers have already answered, and when something happens that try to give you reasons for why it won’t happen, don’t react to it emotionally, because if you do, you are disconnecting your attention and energy from your desired future and putting into the familiar past or predictable future.


And, wherever you put your attention and energy is what’s gonna manifest in your life, be it good or bad.


But, remember also that sometimes you are going to react, you won’t be able to stop yourself from reacting, in that case, you have to bring your attention and energy back into your desired future as soon as you can.


So, it’s not about whether you are gonna react or not, it’s about how long you are gonna react.


When you learn to shorten the refractory period of your reaction, you take control of your life.


Thank you very much for your time.


-Parvez Alam








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