When I was suffering through my life, I always had one question in my mind about life, why can’t it give me what I want?


Sound familiar?


 If the answer is Yes, then you are at the right place to find the answer.


Well, with me, the problem was that I was asking the wrong question, and that created lots of chaos and craziness.


And then one day something magical happened, I got a wake-up call and I answered it with no string attached and I became someone else. Someone far superior than I had ever imagine, someone I can’t stop but love, and everyone who is a part of my life love me as well, not because of compulsion or anything but because I made them feel good about themselves, and when they feel good about themselves they feel good about me as well; and that’s it, it’s that simple. It is a small fraction of the law of life in action.


Anyway, I am going to share the whole story with you through my blogs piece by piece and in the form of the lessons that I have learned.


So let’s talk a little about- what is the law of life?


So, my problem was that I was asking the wrong question, but I was unaware of it.


When the time came and I became aware of that fact, then I understood that the key to freedom is in asking the right question.


So I ask myself what is the right question that I should ask, and I found that the right question to ask is – How life will give me everything I want?


And when that happened, everything I needed started coming to me; books, videos, seminars, blogs all were available to answer my questions, but above all, I found that an invisible source of information is always available at my command.


So I started connecting to this source, and the more I connected to it, the more it made me grow, or I can say, through it, I made me grow into this new being.


So, to understand the law of life, the first thing you need to understand what life really is, in terms of its true essence.


 We are going to begin with this.


What is the true essence of Life?


Let’s take a look at the life forms on earth with new lenses.


 First, we will look at life in plants, as you know, there are thousands of different types of plants that exist on earth, but if you observe carefully and study them, you are going to find that all of them are connected to each other at the very fundamental level; they are part of one and the same thing.


Let’s look at this the other way- we can say that ONE LIFE is expressing itself in thousands of different ways through these plants.


When you observe, you can see that there is a perfect order in every life form in plants. It has a beginning, it has a time in which it will grow into its highest expression, and it has a time in which it will die.


Now, let’s look at the animal kingdom, the life form in animals is a higher expression of the same ONE LIFE.


Now, in this kingdom, this ONE LIFE is expressing itself through thousands of animal forms.


 Animals are always at Home in their environment, they don’t feel uncomfortable and they have been given a vehicle, called the body, in which there is a preloaded program that dictates how they are going to react in their environment.


 So, as for example, to kill and eat a deer is not murder for a lion, it’s lunch, it’s in the lion’s nature or we can say in the program to act in this way. And a bird doesn’t need lessons on how to build a nest, it just builds it, because it’s in the preloaded program.


 So the animals are always living in the harmonious vibration of nature and expressing life.  


Now, let’s look at the marvel expression of this ONE life, called Human Beings.


 But, before we begin, we must learn a little more about this power we so far called ONE LIFE.


This power has been called by many names throughout Human history such as God, Spirit, Energy, Universal mind, universal consciousness, infinite intelligence, the unified field, etc.


However, I like to call it “The eternal spirit”


Eternal means it always was, always is, and always will be; and Spirit means the super-intelligent nonphysical life force that flows through everything that exists.


In other words-“The Universal Consciousness”.

It simply means, this power is aware of and observing every form of its expression simultaneously.


So, the eternal spirit is expressing itself through all forms of existence and observing it as well at the same time.


 It is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time and always seeking higher and fuller expression through us.


Now, let’s move to Human beings, the life in us, and the vehicle through which we experience it.


Pay attention to this

When it came to the expression of life through human form, The eternal spirit did not put any program in us, instead, it gave us the potential of an infinite number of expressions, the ability to think, and a free will to determine our own destiny.


Now, before we go any further, you have to understand the fact that we are a living and intelligent part of the eternal spirit, but everything else that exists is also a part of it, so it makes it that everything else that exists is also a part of us. 


In other words, we are connected to everything in the universe and everything in the universe is connected to us.


 We are the highest expression of Life, and to experience this life we have three sides of our being.


The Spiritual Side of Us


The highest side of our being is the spiritual side of us, in this side of our being, we are the ONE LIFE, the power that is expressing itself through entire existence is the true essence of our life and being.

We are nothing and everything at the same time.


 To gain a better understanding of this


 Sit in a relaxed state for a minute, take a deep breath, now close your eyes and think of your favorite holiday spot, see yourself there, feel the air on your face, and see everything exactly as you want it to be.

Now think of that place and do something crazy out there that you wouldn’t normally do, and then think how you felt when you did it.


You see, you were spiritually in a place that is far away from where you are right now, and you did something that you wouldn’t normally do. However, In reality, you didn’t even move an inch.  


So, you need to understand that the “you” who was doing that, was the “Universal You”, It is the You that is not bound by time and space.


In spirit, you become one with the eternal spirit and everything there is, become yours.


Now, pay attention to the fact that you can think anything, which means you can experience anything in spirit.


If you think of the life you would really want to live, the things you would be doing throughout your day in that dream life, the cars you will be driving, and then see yourself in your mind doing all of it.

When you do so, you are experiencing that life in Spirit. If you revisit in your mind and relive it again, you would have another experience in spirit, and if you repeat it every day for a long enough time, this experience start sinking into your Subconscious mind.


Then the spiritual side of you would start to transfer this experience to the lower side of your being, which are the intellect and the physical.


The intellectual side of Us


 Now, the spiritual side would send energy to the physical side of your being to experience the event which in spirit you have already experienced.


When this energy flows in, it goes through your intellect, and that’s where the power of your mind exists.

Because it’s your intellect that decides what shape this energy is going to take in your life.


If two people are in the same business but one is winning and the other is losing, the energy is the same but the use of intellect shapes that energy into winning and losing.


So let’s talk a little about the Home of us- the intellectual side of our being.


The intellectual side of us is the workshop where the formless power takes form.


 It is the side where our thinking and observing faculty lies.

How we use our intellectual faculties (Perception, Will, Imagination, Memory, Intuition, and Reason) determine the quality of our life.


When we think certain thoughts for a long enough time our emotional mind generates an emotion for the thought, and that emotion flows through the cells of our body, and cause us to behave in a certain way.


 When we feel that emotion we automatically start thinking more thoughts that are the signature of that emotion.


The same thoughts create the same emotion, and the same emotion creates the same behavior, which then creates more thought and feeling of the same nature.

Then, we stuck in this loop of thinking and feeling, feeling and thinking, and our lives stay the same.


 So whenever we recall those thoughts again, the same emotion will follow the thoughts, and it will again flow through every cell of our body, and the same behavior will be demonstrated again.


When we do it for long enough time every cell of our body becomes familiar with this emotion and then it becomes like a program, a habit.

And the habits or the programs in our subconscious mind are what set the boundaries of our experiences.


 My Mentor Bob Proctor calls it “The Paradigm

And, this Paradigm becomes the cause of every experience of our life.


 Now, the good news is that we have the ability to change the program at any moment through the use of our intellect.

 But there’s a catch, you can only use this ability when your emotions are in control.


If your emotions are out of control, and you cannot think greater than how you feel, then you cannot change the program in your operating system, your Subconscious mind.

 This means you cannot change your life, so you become a victim who has lost his free will to a program.


Types of Emotions


Emotions are of two types- constructive and destructive.


 When you have a vision and you think about it all the time, then you have a choice to embrace that vision with either constructive emotion or destructive emotion.


 To make it simple, think of your vision as a biscuit, and emotions as two cups of Tea. The tea in one cup suck the taste out of the biscuit when you dip it in, and when you take it into your mouth you don’t feel any taste.

 On the other hand, the tea in the other cup has an entirely different quality, when you dip the biscuit in it, it increases the taste into a higher degree and when you put it in your mouth you feel incredible taste.


Now, when you have a vision of a brighter future, and you dip that vision into the destructive emotion of fear (or any negative emotion), it will not just suck out all the good from the vision that was available for you, but it would do more damage than that.

This emotion will have an effect on your physical life, and it will make, everything you were afraid of, your reality.

 It will make things worse for you, and you won’t even know what’s happening.


However, if you have the same vision and you dipped it into the constructive emotion of faith (faith is the key) it will increase the sweetness in the experience more than you can imagine.

This emotion is going to have an effect on your physical life, and everything you wanted will come to you and even more than that, and it will come in a way that you won’t even imagine.


So, lets review,

  1. If you have a positive thought with negative emotion you are going to feel more negative and your positive thought is going to become negative in a matter of minutes, and you are going to have negative results.


  1. If you have a positive thought with positive emotion you are going to feel and experience positivity in your life.


  1. When you keep your thoughts and emotions positive, and you stay positive, you receive positive results.


Now, understand this –there is an unseen field of energy and information around us where infinite sets of possibilities and probabilities exist simultaneously. We have the power to call out any experience from that infinite field.


 The power that is flowing through us has no limits on it, so the only limits we have are what we have put on ourselves, on our awareness and understanding the true nature of reality.


When we understand the true nature of reality and align our intention to the intention of the universal mind, we become Limitless, then there is no limit to what we can do.


We become connected to an infinite source of supply and whatever we want to experience will come to us, we don’t have to find it, it will find us.

 And that’s the beautiful feeling of Divine Oneness.


The Physical Side of Us


And the last side of our being is physical; our body, our life, our relationship, our bank account etc. are all part of the physical side of our being.


 Everything in it is nothing but an expression of the spiritual power that flows from energy to thoughts and emotions to experience.


So, our thoughts control our feelings, feelings control our behavior, and our behavior controls our results.


So, as you can see, that the Universal Life is expressing itself into an individual life called a human being, and that individual life is giving direction to the universal life towards a particular destination in the physical world to have an experience as an individual, but in true essence, we are all the same.


So, let’s now move towards the understanding of the law of life.


The Law of Life


The law meansa statement of fact, deduced from observation, to the effect that a particular natural or scientific phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions are present.”


 The law of life simply is a process of observing certain mental (thoughts) and Emotional (feelings) attitudes which produce the desired experience, and from the observation, we build a model of understanding (The Law of Life) through which the same experience can be reproduced.


Now, come to a common person.


 When a person has a highly emotional experience of a loss of something that had a high emotional value in his life, he pays his attention to who or what caused it and his brain takes a snapshot of the event and stored it as a memory.

 In the same manner, our brain stores all the memories of the past, each one of those memories has an emotional signature.


 Every emotion is an expression of energy, and every pattern of energy has its specific rates of vibration, and the law of attraction says- “Like energy attracts like energy”.


So, when he feels that emotion, the thoughts that are a harmonious match to the emotional vibration, get attracted towards him.

 It means if he recalls that event in his mind, he is going to think the same kind of thoughts, which will produce the same emotion, and he will feel the same pain again.


So, any moment you recall a memory of an unfortunate past experience, all of a sudden you feel unhappy, sad, and you feel pain.

 It happens because your body is controlled by your subconscious mind, and it doesn’t know the difference between an emotion that is created by an experience in the outer world, and an emotion that you are creating in your mind by thoughts alone.


It means the moment you recall that unfortunate past experience in your mind your subconscious mind acts like the same event is happening again and it will cause your brain and body to feel as if the event is actually taking place all over again.


The way you think and feel creates your state of being, so when you think about your problems (which are results of your past experiences), which has an emotion associated with them, your entire state of being is in the past.


So if you are living by thoughts and emotions of the past, the familiar past will repeat itself in your life again and again, until you change your state of being.


Now, if a person has an event of the past that put him/her in a lot of pain, he would keep recalling that event in his mind because of the survival instinct, which would keep telling him that he has to be prepared if it happens again, and when he is ready it will happen again because he was preparing himself for that.

And the same cycle will keep repeating itself over and over again until he makes a firm decision to change his state of being.




Remember that, the moment you decide to change get ready because it’s going to feel very uncomfortable.


Change is the hardest thing for a human being because change means you are going to left behind the familiar thoughts and feelings and step into the unknown territory.


 When you decide to change, your survival mechanism kicks in and you attract all kinds of thoughts for not making the change because your body goes in an unknown vibration and it wants to return back to a familiar vibration.


You will get in your mind all kinds of excuses like- you are never going to change, this isn’t going to work for you, it doesn’t feel right, you can start later, you have so much work to do etc, etc.

If you react to these thoughts as if it’s true, it will lead you to the same choice, which will lead to the same behavior, which will create the same experience, which will produce the same physical results, and you will be right back where you begin.


How To Change your Life


Let’s get to the good part, the answer to the question– how do we change?


You have an understanding of the concept of what needs to change, but how to change is a whole different story.


When you step out to make the change, it feels like all hell broke loses inside you and you run back to find a safe place, and when you get back to safety you say it feels better.

It actually means it feels familiar because when you step out you are in the unknown and you can’t predict what’s gonna happen next, and that a scary part for most of us.


In order to really make a change, you have to change your state of being (How you think and feel), there are three steps you need to follow to make it happen.


STEP # 1 – Disconnect from everything in your known world for a time and sit in a place where you won’t be disturbed, and think about this

 If you had all the money you wanted and the freedom to do whatever you want to do with your life without any concern whatsoever.


 How would you be living your life then, what would you do with your time, what type of places you would like to visit, what type of people you would be friends with, which type of car would you drive, which type of house you would be living in, what kind of relationships you would be in.


Think about yourself as the person who has all of it, close your eyes and imagine yourself living the best version of you, who is happy, healthy, and financially independent, who is living a joyful life.


Pay attention to your imagination and then write it down in your own handwriting in as much detail as possible, and read it out loud.

Then close your eyes again and revisit in your mind the grandest life you were living, you would see a clearer picture this time because of writing it down.


STEP# 2-  Every day, when you wake up first thing you should do, is – sit your body down in a relaxed state for 15 minutes or more, free your mind from everything, read your description and revisit the experience in your mind again, see yourself living your dream life, and try to be as present as you can in it, and don’t think, just feel the emotion of the experience.

Then get up as you are already that person.


 Do your daily work after it, and when you are done with your day, right before going to bed, sit again, and repeat the same process again.

Do it every day over and over again, when you would do it your subconscious mind will begin to take it as this is already happening and it will begin to prepare your brain and body for the event.


If you are going to try it, then give it at least 90 days, in this period your body will begin to feel the emotion of the event ahead of the actual experience and will be ready to embrace it.

 Once that happens you are in harmony with your future reality, then you don’t have to rush to get it, it will come to you. And it will come in ways you can never imagine, it will surprise you.


STEP #3– Take Inspired Actions-  Once you have the feeling of your future in your body, you have the energy to shape your reality. You will start to attract intuition or hunches when making an important decision.

You have to create a plan to change what you have with what you want and start making one change at a time, and every help you would need to make that change would come to you through the Law of Attraction.




This is the hardest part of it all, being patient, patience is the key to freedom, but it is in our nature to be impatient.


Patience is a skill that can only be learned by being patient.


Generally, when we don’t get the results right away we become impatient and to make it happen faster we try to force it, and that’s where everything goes wrong because if you try to force it, it won’t happen for you.


Forcing does not make achievements happen but trusting does.


Trust the power that is flowing to and through you and let it happen for you. Don’t think the thoughts of how it will happen, just know that it will happen, and at the right time, it will happen for you.


And when it happens, just enjoy every second of it and remember that it was your mind that created it.


As far as I can tell, It’s all about knowing what do you really want, seeing yourself through your inner eye already in possession of your desired good, feeling the emotion of it as it has already happened, working towards it, letting go of the thoughts of how it will happen, trusting the power within, and let it happen for you.


Be the miracle, you were supposed to be…


Thank you very much for giving your time, because time is the true currency.


We don’t know how much life do we have ahead of us but we know for a fact that we only get 24 hours every day, and how we use our time makes all the difference.


Think of this, if time really is the true currency, then it follows that in whatever thoughts and things we are spending our time are the experiences we are buying.


So, if you spend your time thinking and feeling the desired experiences you want to have, then you are trading your true currency (Time) to buy that future event, and it will be delivered to you at the right TIME.


Thank you very much.



(author of “The Law of Life-Basic Principles for a Better Life”)




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