“The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference
that you have lived and lived well.”
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The world is changing, and it’s changing very fast, some people don’t like the speed that it’s changing at, but it doesn’t slow down the changes.
In this new world that’s emerging, technology is changing the old paradigms, old beliefs, old ways of doing things, and most importantly the way we perceive reality.
When the change happens the biological mechanism of all living organisms is to adapt to the change or perish with the dying reality.
Now, in order for us to adapt the change and thrive in a time when everything seems to be falling apart, we must understand who we really are, the potential within us, and how to unlock this potential to create the reality that we want to live in.
Who we really are?
As I have written in previous articles that we live simultaneously on three different planes of life, we are spiritual beings, we have an intellect, and we live in a physical body.
Let’s dig a little deeper into that and try to understand what it really means to be a spiritual being.
Spirit is a non-physical creative power that exists in all time and space, in scientific terms, it is called “the quantum field”, it connects everything in the universe.
According to the quantum model of reality, all realities exist in this field simultaneously as a wave of probability.
Now, we are a part of this field of energy, experiencing life as a matter that is known as our bodies.
So, in essence, we are spirit; and in local space-time, we are physical bodies, our mind is an instrument that unifies our essence and local identity.
Think of it as a TV set, the signals that are received by the antennae is like the spirit, in it, there are a huge number of channels, the TV screen is like the body, in which you see one channel at a time, and the decoder or the set-top box is like the mind which unifies the TV screen with the signals and by using the remote which is like the conscious mind we can watch any channel we choose.
So, there is an invisible field of energy or spirit within and all around us, in which exists everything that ever was or ever will be.
We as a conscious spiritual being can connect to this invisible field and explore those potential realities, as we connect to the field we start building thoughts and ideas through the use of our imagination which is a higher faculty of our conscious mind.
So, we go into the field as a consciousness, pick a potential reality from the field, and build an idea in our conscious mind.
Now, that reality exists in the field, and in our conscious mind we have the idea or image or we can say a receiver through which we can bring that potential reality from the invisible realm into our material world.
In order to bring that potential reality into a material form, that idea has to be impressed upon the subconscious mind.
Once the idea moves into the subconscious mind and becomes a part of it, it has to move into physical or material reality, because it is an absolute law of Life.
Dual Nature of the Mind
We have a marvelous mind, which has two sides -the thinking mind and the emotional mind.
The thinking mind is called the conscious mind, and it is controlled by our consciousness or the spiritual aspect of us; Emotional mind is known as the subconscious mind, and it controls our body or physical aspects of us.
When a child is born his/her thinking mind is not developed yet, they operate only through their emotional mind. So when a child feels hunger he/she express that feeling by crying and the mother feeds the child; when he/she is happy they express their feeling by smiling; that’s the true nature of our being, we express what we truly feel.
As the child starts to grow, their subconscious mind is wide open to the information all around them. They are told what they should do and what they shouldn’t, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, what they can do and what they can’t etc.
As this information goes into their subconscious mind over and over again for a period of time, it forms an identity of the child which is called the “Self-Image”.
When the thinking mind of the child has developed that child begins to think within the boundaries of his/her self-image.
As they move in their life with that self-image they attract the experiences in their life which confirms their identity to them.
Now they become separate from the possibility and their consciousness becomes a victim of the material world, and the programs in their subconscious mind, which was created by someone else, literally controls their life.
Their subconscious mind tells their consciousness that they are a limited being and their consciousness becomes separate from the field of energy where all possibilities exist simultaneously.
Now, let say after having so much struggle that guy one day started to read a book on how the mind works which inspired him to think differently, as he begins to think differently he is going to observe his behaviors and habit.
Understand that thinking differently is not going to change his behaviors automatically because the behaviors are the product of the subconscious mind while thinking is the work of the conscious mind.
When he starts observing his subconscious programs and he becomes consciously aware of them, then he can change those programs through the use of his higher mental faculties (Perception, will, imagination, memory, intuition, reason), and create a new experience in his life.
Now, let’s say he decided to create a new life with the understanding that he gains through studying the book.
In order to create this new life, he has to give up the emotions that are the product of his past experiences, because he cannot create a new life while holding on to the emotions of the past.
In order to give up those emotions of the past, he has to create in his mind a clear image of the experience he wants to have, and then he has to ask himself how it would feel like to have that experience.
When he would begin to play those images of his desired experience in his mind over and over again, sooner or later, he would begin to feel that emotion of his future before it made manifest in his life; because the emotional mind or the subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real experience and an experience we create in our mind by thoughts alone.
As he plays those images of his future over and over again, it will begin to sink deep into the subconscious mind.
Once the subconscious mind accepts that image as a present reality it will prepare his body for the experience by changing the vibration of the body.
With the new vibration, his actions and behaviors will begin to change and he will attract all the necessary means to manifest that experience;
And, in a relatively short period of time, the experience he was having in his mind would be attracted to him, and become his reality.
It would happen because he would have successfully changed his identity or his self-image in his subconscious mind.
Once he would have that experience he would no longer believe that he is a victim of his environment and circumstances, he would start to believe that he is a creator of his reality.
And, his consciousness would be connected to the Quantum field of possibilities to create even greater experiences in his life.
Universal Consciousness
As you can understand by now that you are not your mind rather you have a mind.
Your mind is just an instrument given to you to create and design your life the way you want. Just like you have a body, you have hands, you also have a mind but you are not it.
You are a consciousness that is executing the mind. You as a consciousness control your mind, your mind controls your body & its vibration, and the vibration of your body controls every aspect of your life.
However, if you are a victim of your environment, then your environment controls the vibration of your body, the vibration of the body controls the thoughts in your mind, and now your consciousness has lost its free will to the programs.
Now, just like you have a mind which is observed and controlled by your consciousness, the unified field of energy that connects everything in the universe is like a mind and it has a consciousness which is observing and controlling everything in this field, this higher consciousness is called the Universal consciousness.
The universal consciousness is evenly present in all places at all times, the unified field of energy is like its mind through which it sets the order of the universe, and through which it expresses itself through all life forms including us.
Now, the universal consciousness is expressing itself through plant life, through animal life, and through human life.
It has put limits of its expression through all other life forms but when it comes to expressing itself through the human form it did not put any limits on us, instead it gave us access to the infinite number of potential expression of our life and a free will to choose which reality we want to experience as individual consciousness.
Our thoughts are always connected to the unified field of energy, and through our thoughts, every day, we are choosing the reality that we experience.
Every thought has a frequency, and every frequency is connected to a potential reality.
Negative thoughts have lower frequencies and as a result bring poor expressions of life, while positive thoughts have higher frequencies and as a result bring Rich expressions of life.
Now, this universal consciousness is the creator of all realities, and through us, it is expressing itself as individual consciousness.
So the universal consciousness is living a life of its own, independent of us, as the field, and a life within and through human beings as an individual conscious awareness.
An individual conscious awareness of the universal consciousness is who you truly are.
My mentor “Bob Proctor” teaches that “when we increase the level of our conscious awareness the quality of our life increases itself”.
Think about this- previous level of conscious awareness is the expression of the universal consciousness as the quality and the results of a person’s life, when that person increases the level of his conscious awareness then the universal consciousness align itself with the new level of mind and express itself as new conscious awareness through that person in the form of a greater quality of life and better results.
If a person keeps increasing his/her level of conscious awareness the quality and results of their life will keep increasing,
And, as far as I know, there are infinite levels of conscious awareness as potential in this field of energy that connects everything.
It means there is never a best, we can always do better, it doesn’t matter what we do or how good we do it.
How to find your purpose?
Understand this – every individual has a uniqueness in them, this uniqueness comes from the universal consciousness, and it is this uniqueness that he/she is here to express as an individual being.
So, to find out what is the purpose of your life, you have to go within and connect to the universal consciousness and it will open a door in your mind through which a new stream of thoughts would start to flow to your consciousness, and you would begin to become familiar with your uniqueness.
To connect to this greater consciousness you have to practice some meditation and visualization techniques.
When you would start to contemplate new thoughts in your meditation and visualization, you will begin to see your purpose in life.
Understand this – The purpose of your life is already within you, you are just not aware of it yet. Through the contemplation of the thoughts of how you really want to live, the universal consciousness will open a door in your mind for you to become aware of your purpose in life.
Once you have found your purpose then the second step is to set goals in alignment with your purpose.
To understand this in simple terms, let’s say you decided to drive to a city 300 miles away from where you are.
Now you have a destination which is like your purpose, then there are cities and landmarks between you and your destinations which you have to cross, those cities and landmarks are like your goals, and when you would reach a certain landmark you would know that you are on the right track towards your destination.
In the same manner, when your goals are in alignment with your purpose and you reach your first goal you would know that you are still on your purpose, when you reach your second goal you would know that you have made more progress towards your purpose, and if you keep working on your goals one at a time and keep achieving them you will ultimately fulfill your purpose.
The next step is that when you start working towards any of your goals you have to create a clear image in your mind as you have already achieved your goal.
You have to visualize yourself living in the life where you have accomplished your goal and you have to feel the feeling of how you would feel in that reality when it will manifest in your life and give thanks as you have already received it.
Understand this- your thoughts or mental image is your intention, the feeling is the vehicle that carries that intention into the field and brings the experience back into your life.
The final step is to surrender this mental creation of yours to the greater mind or the universal consciousness, and allow it to orchestrate that reality in your life for you.
You have to work towards your goal every day without trying to force the outcome.
In his marvelous book “You Were Born Rich” Bob Proctor wrote a chapter on this process by the name “Let Go and Let God”,
And, as I have mentioned before I am the product of this book, I have read this chapter hundreds of times and I still read it often, because this is the key to a fulfilled life- “Let Go and Let God”.
If you have tried to manifest your desired experience, or you have tried to make the law of attraction work for you but you failed to accomplish the results that you wanted;
Then, there is a special program for you from “Dr. Joe Vitale”, one of the teachers from the secret, by the name “The Secret Mirror”.
This program is designed especially for someone who has tried to manifest and put all the efforts, but still couldn’t manifest.
And, if you want to improve the results of your life dramatically, or you have a goal or a dream but you don’t know how to make that dream come true.
If you are struggling in your life with anything and you want to experience FREEDOM.
The solution to all your problems is already within you, the purpose of your life is already within you, you just have to develop your higher mental faculties, so that you can use them properly to attract everything you need to fulfill your purpose in life.
There is a program by my mentor “Bob Proctor” Specially designed for those who want to take control of their lives and fulfill all of their goals. The name of the Program is “The Magic in Your Mind“
Thank You very much for your time!
Er. Parvez Alam
(Author of “The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life”)