Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul.
It is daily admission of one’s weakness.
It is better in prayer to have a heart without words
than words without a heart.
-Mahatma Gandhi


There is universal power within and around us and we are all part of and an expression of this power.


The flow of life on earth is like Music; the clouds, the rivers, the mountains, the trees, the animals, the Humans are all different beats of this music.


When sounds combined in such a way that they produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotions; it’s called music.


The music of life is not a combination of sounds rather it’s a combination of spiritual and physical aspects of the Eternal Spirit.


When the spiritual and physical aspects combined in such a way that they produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of thoughts and emotions; it’s called the music of Life.


All things in nature work and express themselves exactly as they were meant to be.


Everything in the universe is working exactly as they were created to do or to be.



Is it true …?


No, it’s not.


There is one exception…



How do we fit into it then…?


We don’t; because we weren’t meant to fit in.


Mankind was intended to be different; He was intended to be dissatisfied, always hungry for new things, new ways of living, always trying to do better, but never satisfied.


Why is that so…..?


Well, to find this we need to understand something first….


In the entire universe known to mankind; there is nothing in all creations; who has the capability of imagination except humans.


We can imagine events ahead of the time.


Imagination is the most powerful creative force in the universe.


When we imagine something in our mind, in that particular time, we actually send cosmic waves in the universe, which attracts all the energy that we need to manifest our imagination into a reality.


To better understand this we have to understand how human beings were created.


What was the intention behind this creation?


Well, almost all the religions teach that mankind was created in God’s image that means we have the powers, like the powers of God.


What is that power….?


To understand this we need to know, who GOD is?

So, who God really is….?


To me, He is the Universal intelligence that set the wheel of existence in motion, the originator of everything.


How did he do it….?


I think, he simply imagines this world and then orders his energy to transform it into reality, and hence the big bang happened.


So, God’s power is that he can imagine anything and then order it to happen and it does.


Wow! That’s great…!!!!!


And we have been given some sort of same power, which works just a little differently with humans.


How does it work for us….?


Well, it really is simple, we have to pray.


Yes, prayers in their true nature.


 What is the true nature of a prayer….?


Well, it’s a simple three-step process.




Wow! This is so amazing and easy, isn’t it…?


But it’s not that simple.


There are complications, which we need to understand, and when we do, we will unlock the treasure chest.


What complication are we talking about …..?


Well, let’s see…


Step #1 – Asking.


 How to ask…?


When we desire something and through that desire comes a picture through imagination in our mind that does not exist in the physical world.


 But we want it to exist in the upcoming time in our life.


That picture is actually what we are asking for.


Step #2: Believing.


Well, this part is kinda tricky. We need to understand this part seriously.


So, how does the belief system work….?


Well, the things we ask for will never come to us until we truly believe that we are going to get them.


What does it mean…?


It means the image we created in our mind is now a request we send into the universe to make it a physical reality.


Now, we have to hold on to this picture and believe in the creative force within us that it will eventually transform this image into physical reality.


But, when it comes to believing in the unseen force most people are not strong enough in it; because it always takes time and in the meantime, fear is always there to eat our faith, making it weaker every day, and eventually, faith dies and fear lives on.


This happens with the majority of people.


But, If we can keep our faith stronger than any fear, we can stand with the people who are truly alive.


Step#3: Receiving.


How do we receive …?


Well, there are two cases of receiving.


#1 – The people who get what they actually asked for and even more.


#2- The people who don’t get what they asked for instead they get the opposite.


What is the difference between the two…?


Well, the people who actually get what they really want are the people who hold on to the image they asked for and never let any fear of failure make that image weak and blurry in their mind, they expect it with faith and feel happy about the good they are going to receive.



And, the other people who don’t get what they want are the people who build the picture in their mind, they hold on to it for a time, but after that, the fear of failure start messing with their mental process and it starts to distort the picture they asked for, and eventually, the fear takes over and they receive everything they were afraid of.


Therefore, fear is the enemy.


How do we eliminate fear ….??


Well, fear comes because results are unseen, and fear of the unknown has always been man’s weakness.


 Only faith can take over our fear. But we have to keep feeding our subconscious mind more faith in a continuous process.


How do we do that….???


Well, the only way through which we can feed our subconscious mind faith and eliminate fear is by setting daily standards of living for ourselves and then working for our goal according to those standards.


Work for the goal and keep the desired goal image firmly planted in the subconscious mind.


When we are working every day towards our goal, we are actually eliminating fear.


Remember, we have to work on both planes; mental and physical. We must involve every part of our being into our daily standards of living, and when we do, there would only be faith and we will surely receive what we asked for.


So, that is how we pray effectively and let our prayers flow ‘to and through’ us.


 Every individual listens to the different beats of the music of life because everybody holds a different image of self in their mind.


The universal law of life does not change for anyone.


 The Beauty of life is forever present in all the places at the same time. We can only admire the part of this beauty which we can understand.


The better is the understanding the better would be our perception, and the better would be the experience.


It’s exactly as Jesus taught us in the Bible,


 “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock and it will be opened for you.”
“For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.”
-Matthew 7:7-8,


Thank you very much for your time.


-Er. Parvez Alam

(Author of ‘The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life)




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