“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26


Our life is like a journey, and like every journey, it has a beginning and it has an ending.

In this journey, we have been given some marvelous mental tools, through which we can do phenomenal things.

 But, in order for these tools to work properly, we must exercise them properly and regularly, and when we do so, everything in our life will transform into advancement.


The Path of Transformation


When you are traveling, your goal is simply to reach a destination, because that’s what traveling is, you begin from a place with a destination in your mind.


So, arriving at your destination is your ultimate goal. When you are on the road the closer you are getting to your goal the more progress you are making.


So, when you reach your destination, you achieved your goal, and you completed a successful journey.


Now, let’s say your goal in a journey was to go to a destination 10 miles away, you started moving in the direction of your destination, but after 9 miles you stop moving forward, in that case, you made a lot of progress but you still failed because you didn’t get where you were going.


Understand that when you are on a path of transformation, you know what your goal is, and you also know what your starting point is, then the only time you are going to fail is when you stop moving forward.


Most people have a tendency to quit after trying for a few times and not being able to produce the desired results.


What they don’t realize is that the failure they have experienced is a progressive step in the direction of their desired success, and before they could achieve that success they quit.


If you are looking for a way to transform your life and enjoy everything that life has in store for you, you must consider failure as a part of the transformation.


You can search through history books, and you would find that not a single person in history who achieved greatness did it without going through some temporary defeats & failures.  


Success and failure are not really two things they are simply two sides of the same thing.

Success is enjoying the good that life has to offer and failure is learning the lessons that must be learned to enjoy it, both are equally important.


Change Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions


If you look back in your life carefully, you would find that everything you have experienced till this point in your life was caused by the decisions you made.


Your actions were driven by the feelings you had when you made those decisions, and your feelings were created by the thoughts you were thinking most of the time.


Now, if you are thinking the same thoughts that you have been thinking in the past, you are going to make the same choices again.

 If you are making the same choices, you are always going to demonstrate the same behaviors. If you keep demonstrating the same behaviors, you are going to keep creating the same experience , and the same experience is going to create the same feelings and emotions again.


The same feelings and emotions are going to drive the same thoughts, which are going to repeat the same cycle again.


In this case, you are stuck in the loop of the same thinking and feeling, feeling and thinking; and you will be unable to transform your life.


However, If you learn new information, you study it over and over again, and you learn to apply this new information in your personal life then you would start thinking new thoughts.

These new thoughts will lead you to make new choices, and new choices will then cause you to take some new actions and demonstrate new behaviors.


When you will start demonstrating the new information that you have learned in your behaviors, it will cause your vibration to rise which then will attract to you a new experience.

A new experience will create new feelings and emotions, and new feelings would inspire new thoughts.


If you learn new information, personalize it, and follow the proper instructions, you can free yourself from the mental prison.


 Living in freedom is something that deep down all human beings crave for, but you have to understand that freedom is not what most people think it is.


In his great book “Working with the Law” author “Raymond Holliwell” gave a great definition of freedom as -“Freedom is not living an obsessed, undisciplined life. Freedom is in being able to control your life and in making it what you want it to be.


Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches that- “How you think, how you feel, and how you act creates your personality, and your personality creates your personal reality.”


As long as you are thinking, feeling, and acting in the same old way, you are being the same old personality, and with the same old personality, you cannot create a new personal reality.


If you can only grasp a deep understanding of this, you have understood the path to transformation.


Difficulty about Change


The difficulty about change is that the attitude we carry for a long period of time becomes hardwired in our brain, and begins to control our behaviors and actions without, we, even knowing it.


It works like a computer program which is operating in a loop and creating the same experiences over and over again.


The moment you decide to change anything about yourself, you have to be prepared to go through some time where you won’t feel comfortable with this new idea.


When you start working on the new idea and you begin to feel uncomfortable, that is the moment you step out of your comfort zone.


When you are out of your comfort zone, you are in the unknown; and your brain is not able to predict the outcome of the work you are doing.


When you are in the unknown, your conditioned programming of the subconscious mind, starts sending signals to your brain, and you start hearing voices in your head like, you can’t do it, it’s too hard, do it tomorrow, you are never going to change, this isn’t for you, it doesn’t feel right, etc.


Now, if you react to these voices as if it’s true, it’s going to cause you to think within the boundaries of your conditioning.

 Which, then, would cause you to think the same old thoughts, make the same old choices, demonstrate the same old behaviors; which then would create the same old experience.

The Same experience would produce the same old feelings again, and you would be back to being the same old personality again, which would cause your personal reality (your Life) to stay the same.



Your Success is waiting for you


You have to understand that everything you want and desire is already here, you can imagine yourself in possession of what you want is due to the fact that what you want already exists in the invisible field of energy.


 There is an invisible field of energy and information all around you where infinite potential realities exist simultaneously.


 You are a part of this field, and when you imagine something or dream about something you tap into the frequency of that experience in the field.


Think about what Einstein said “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.”


When you step out of your old self and step into the unknown, you are on a journey.


Your known personality and personal reality is the starting point of this journey, and who you want to be is your destination.


Now, you know where you are coming from and you also know where you are going, but the problem is that you don’t know what challenges you have to face in the way in order for you to reach your destination because you have never traveled this path.


The path is unknown, and you cannot predict it.


 In order for you to reach your destination successfully, you have to put your trust in the Universal Intelligence which is always present within and all around you.


You have to have faith that it will guide you, but if you are afraid and go back to the path that is known to you, you are never going to reach the new destination by traveling the old path.


It means then, as Dr. Joe Dispenza always says, “you cannot create a new personal reality by being the same old personality; you have to become someone else in order for you to have a new experience”.


Now, the main thing in order to achieve the desired success is that you have to understand the universal power within you, you have to build your personal relationship with it, and you have to be sincere and honest about yourself.


This universal intelligence is the power that is causing everything to work in proper order; it keeps the stars, planets, and galaxies in proper order.

It keeps your body in a proper order to perform the tasks that it has to perform without your involvement.

It causes the water to evaporate, change it into clouds, then bring it back to the earth in order to cause the earth to produce food for all forms of life.


It knows how to do all of it, and it doesn’t have any problem in doing any of it; so transforming your life is very simple and easy for it.


It knows you better than you know yourself because you are an extension of it, and if you connect to it and give it a model of your desired personal reality, it knows all the possible ways to make this new desired model a real experience in your life.


 You don’t have to beg or make deals with it for it to work in your favor, all you have to do is trust it.


 If you try to control the outcome or try to force an outcome it won’t be able to help you.


All you have to do is make daily choices that would help you to move forward towards your goal.



Your Belief System would try to Stop you


When you travel an unknown path, your old belief system causes you to think of the worst possible outcome and you begin to think of what you don’t wanna have happen,  instead of what you do wanna have happen.


If your focus is on what could go wrong and what you don’t want to experience then that’s exactly what you are going to get because this intelligence doesn’t decide what’s good for you and what’s bad, that’s your job.

Change Your Belief System


You should build a model of your desired life through the use of your imagination, you should focus only on this new model, you should live it in your mind every day as it is more real than your outer world, and you should demonstrate it in your life by focusing only on the good aspects of your life.


When you will be doing so, you would be observing this new potential reality of your life in the field of energy, and as the universal intelligence is always present within you it will be observing it with you as well, and it will start the process of making this potential reality your personal reality.


It will do its work in a perfect order as long as your focus doesn’t move from one potential to another before the process of manifestation is complete.


 But don’t worry if you lost focus sometimes or you try to control the outcome, the moment you realize it and comes back into the right order, it will pick up right from where it left, when you decided to take over the control.


Everybody is unique, so are you, all you have to do is find your uniqueness, invest your time and energy in it, and have an intention to serve the world with it.

 If you do so, you and your life will become an inspiration for the world.


If you are struggling to change your life in the area of wealth, then there is a great event of Bob Proctor by the name
The Science of Getting Rich” which is designed to teach you how to become rich by following a proven formula. 

It’s been sold out but you can join it through Live Stream, and you will also get a 30 days replay.




And, if you want to understand the whole process of how to change your life, and create all the experiences that you have dreamed as your reality. 

If you want to understand who you really are, what is the cause behind your failure, and why you are not being able to change, and what it takes to transform every aspect of your life.

Read Dr. Joe Dispenza‘s great books


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Thank you very much for your time.


Er. Parvez Alam

(Author of “The Law of Life- Basic Principles for a Better Life”)




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